anushakti - udaipur

Spread over 3000 sq.ft area, this residence is design for a Doctor couple.

The client's requirements was 3-BHK bungalow, with optimal visual connectivity and openness of plan. For the purpose, only master bedroom is provided on ground floor along with common space like drawing living, dining and kitchen. In order to enhancing floor integration and utilising vertical connectivity, staircase lobby has been used as central design element creating a aesthetic duplex.

Openness was the driving principal in formulating plan of the project. Family and socialising spaces have been divided using staircase, which has created a unique balance for the couple to coordinate between two functions graciously. Kitchen being position at the rear end of the site but being most active zone for the couple who cherish cooking and eating as their rejuvenating time after day’s schedule work, has been raised to a level, their by enabling the clients to have visual control upto the other end of their abode.

Master bedroom enjoys its lavishness flanked by landscape on one side and huge walking closet on the other which happens to be crucial for the couple. No compromise regarding free space in bedroom is done, making the house a perfect home for the clients.

First floor house two bedrooms one for the son replicated in functions same as for his parent’s below, provided terrace and balcony with picturesque view of Aravalis. the other bedroom is genuinely design facility for family guests.

Exposed brickwork has been used intricately in elevation and interiors. The interiors of bungalow is minimalist in design, with making use of material honest as per site suitability

Fine masonry work has accentuated the desired finish and aesthetics of the project. Clean details have lead to easy transformation of design to reality.

The project was completed holistically in marginal time of eleven months which includes Architecture and Interior work.

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