
The project outhouse is extension to residence of Mr Narendra Khamesra, Udaipur, Rajasthan. As every design requirement has a story, so is this, especially extension. Mr Khamesra wanted to build a recreational and rejuvenation space for his father, as senior Mr Khamesra started inclining towards outdoors, with his health being major factor, making walks necessary, but in safe environment. Hence, half of the plot left vacant previously, gave ample of space to fulfil the requirement. Senior Mr Khamesra's choice of vernacular architecture style facilitated with contemporary modern amenities accomplished design guidelines.

In order to achieve so, we used stone masonry, embellished with vernacular painting on boundary wall, distinguishing the building. It has impacted not only its aesthetic value, but also helped to create thermal comfort to the built. Jaisalmer stone has been used extensively in flooring, columns and monolith wash basin. Landscape was done keeping comfort and ease of maintenance as priority, with one bedroom cum lounge, facilities and columned verandas, providing an informal resting and sheltered interactive space.

The interiors of outhouse are done in traditional Rajasthani haveli style, along with beautiful exclusive handpicked furniture, with bone inlay work. Colour palette of interiors is quite bright reflecting colors of Rajasthan, complemented with small niches and balanced with subtle exteriors.

The outhouse is comfortably used by the Senior Mr. Khamesra regularly along with his friends as his own connected yet distinct space.

Inspite of traditional facelift of outhouse, all facilities are precisely modern and fulfil all modern-day needs. It is named bespoke outhouse because it is very close to client's heart, facilitated with carved, handpicked, furniture, artwork, furnishings, with construction cost incurred equivalent to that of a normal 3 bed bungalow, clearly reflecting the interest of the client.

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